
I’m Tara, and I’m a Christian musician, artist, and writer living in Maryland.

If you’d like to get to know me better, check out the interview below!

You can also peruse through my music and art through the tabs on the header and get in touch here. I’m glad you’re here!

interview with the artist:

Are music, art, and writing things you always loved, or did they come to you in adulthood?

Yes, I always loved them. My mom started me on piano when I was five—we all started around that age--and my family is very musical and artistic, so those were always aspects of my life. I started writing picture books when I was 10—I would staple computer paper together and write the words on one side and draw the illustrations on the other side. I don’t know exactly when, but I knew from a very young age that I wanted to write and draw and play music. I’m really grateful my family has always been so supportive.

Do you have a favorite project you’ve finished so far?

Probably my 12-singles-in-12-months challenge. That was in 2021, and I had just released my very first single with Joel Schwartz in November of 2020. I was hooked. I bought recording equipment, set up a little “studio” in my closet, and went to work. I even continued it after moving to Nashville—I wrote in four different homes for that challenge. It was such a growing experience, and forced me to get stuff out there, even though I was scared.

When do you typically write songs?

Usually in the evening. I don’t like anyone hearing me write songs, so there’s usually more privacy in the evenings. I like that time better too. I don’t stay up as late as I used to, but I’ve always loved the idea that I’m creating things in my bedroom while the world is quiet and asleep.

Why are so many of your songs sad?

Haha! I’ve always loved sad music. It makes me happy, for some reason. And I have had some lonely years living on my own. I’ve struggled with depression, and pursuing music isn’t easy. I think those things contributed to me writing sad songs because that’s what I was feeling and experiencing. But that’s something I’m really working on…writing joyful songs too. Because there really are so many sweet things in my life.

Many songwriters/authors have odd habits surrounding their writing time—do you have any?

Hm…I always write on blank pieces of computer paper. I can’t handle lined paper while songwriting…it throws me off when I’m trying to think of lyrics. I buy a big pack of computer paper and keep it on my desk. I can’t really write well if my space isn’t clean too. Those are the two main things. As far as the process, it’s almost always melody first and then lyrics. I have to get a good melody going. That’s the most important thing to me—that it’s singable and simple and people can remember it. If the melody can stick in your head, that’s the cement foundation for the song. I also have to listen to my ideas to hear where I want to go. So I record myself a bunch of times. And play, then listen, listen. Then change something. Record it again, listen again. By the time I’ve finished a song, it has at least 5-10 separate recordings. The songs usually come very fast too, although I often have to mess around with chords and ideas for a good 20-30 minutes before something comes. Sometimes they come right away though. It depends. That’s why I think it’s so important to write every single day. Because when you’re in the habit, your body and brain know, “okay, we’re going to be writing songs from this time to this time,” and they get to work for you. The juices flow faster.

What would be your dream role/future?

Firstly, I want to live by the ocean. On the east coast. And paint my kitchen floors yellow. I would love to have a beautiful home studio for recording and a beautiful grand piano, and just be writing prolifically—hymns for the church and songs about life, and I would like to be published too—both my picture books and novels. I would really love for my songs to be useful and encouraging to the global church—both corporately and for private worship. A little family would be nice too, but we’ll see what the Lord has in store. : )